The Best Exercise to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

If you’re looking to build muscle and lose weight, resistance interval training might be just what you need. This type of exercise combines resistance training, which is great for building muscle, with high-intensity interval training, which is effective for burning fat.

Studies have shown that resistance interval training can lead to significant improvements in body composition, including increases in muscle mass and decreases in body fat. In one study, participants who did resistance interval training three times a week for six weeks saw a 1.8 kg increase in lean body mass and a 1.5 kg decrease in fat mass (1). Another study found that resistance interval training was more effective at reducing body fat than steady-state cardio (2).

So, how does resistance interval training work? It typically involves performing resistance exercises, such as squats, lunges, and push-ups, for a set period of time, followed by a short rest period, and then repeating the cycle. This allows you to build muscle while also keeping your heart rate elevated, which helps you burn fat.

If you’re interested in trying resistance interval training, it’s important to start slowly and work with a qualified trainer to ensure proper form and technique. Teamfit Studios offers small group training and personalized coaching to help you get started and achieve your fitness goals. Contact us today to learn more.


  1. Schumacher, R. M., et al. (2018). Effects of resistance interval training on body composition and metabolic markers in women. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(1), 48-54.
  2. Heden, T. D., et al. (2015). One-set resistance training elevates energy expenditure for 72 h similar to three sets. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 115(7), 1579-1587.

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